Friday, June 4, 2010

Deep Down Design Studios Produces Animation for Dateline NBC and The Discovery Channel

Being the most experienced industrial 3D animation firm in the world has it's advantages and we were honored to be contacted by The Discovery Channel regarding animations of the Deepwater Horizon tragedy. They told us our work was the best they've seen on the entire Internet and wanted us for the job. We of course were happy to help and produced several animations that will air on Thursday June 10th in a special documentary.

Also, NBC got back in touch with us to do more work for them and we produced 2 animations of blowout scenarios (controlled and uncontrolled) for Dateline NBC that airs tonight Friday June 4th at 8:00 Central time.

Be sure to check both shows out!
Riser being cut with diamond line saw and shears for LMRP Cap

Uncontrolled blowout scenario 

These are our artistic rendition concepts of what happened and may not be an exact depiction of the actual event.