Friday, May 14, 2010

CETCO 3D Modeling and Images Project

CETCO came to us asking for some highly detailed realistic models and images of their Super Separator, 15K Line Heater, and 100 and 200 bbl Tanks so we happily obliged. Check the images out below (tanks are similar so I only included the 200 bbl image). They have a really unique logo. Check out and visit their about us section to see what their logo is.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Recovery - Containment Box Animation

Here is an animation we did of the lowering of the massive 4 story oil containment box that was an attempt to siphon off up to 85% of the leaking oil that resulted from when the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded and sank in the Gulf of Mexico. Frozen hydrates and ice crystals blocked the pipe leading to the surface so they aborted and moved it about 200 meters away. A new smaller dome is the next attempt. This is our artistic rendition concept of what happened and may not be an exact depiction of the actual event.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

NBC Chooses Deep Down Design Studios for ROV Model and Animation for Coverage of Deepwater Horizon Rig Tragedy

We would like to announce that Deep Down Design Studios was chosen by NBC to provide an animation and 3D model of an ROV for use in their coverage of the Deepwater Horizon rig tragedy on the national nightly news and the Today Show. We may also be providing further animations for this and other happenings around the world. We will receive full credit in each broadcast as well as wherever they post it on the Internet giving us nationwide and worldwide exposure.