Monday, December 20, 2010

New DDDS Website now Up and Running!

Our new website is different from anything you've ever seen. It's a mini-sub adventure beneath the sea with tropical fish, creepy critters like the Roboctopus, and many hidden buttons and interactions. Check it out and send me an email to let me know what you think (use the comm button on the website then click my email).

Friday, September 10, 2010

Quest Offshore History Presentation

We did this for Quest Offshore to show the history of tradeshows they have produced over the years. Each section of the animation displays themes, sponsors, pictures and graphics from the show as well as holographic images of the hosting country's most prominent cultural icon. Visit our YouTube channel to see it.

DDDS YouTube Channel

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Deep Down Bend Stiffener Latcher Animation

This is a cool piece of equipment that makes things easier when connecting/disconnecting risers with bend stiffeners to FPSOs and other production vessels and platforms. We made an animation of it to show how simple the operation is so check it out on our YouTube channel.

Yet another innovative design from Deep Down, Inc.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Deep Down Design Studios Creates Commercial for Lucas Auto Care

This is a commercial we did for Lucas Auto Care completely in house, with our own equipment and people. We created all the special effects including the smoke which was a military smoke bomb we filmed on a black background then keyed out the black. I wrote, directed, starred-in (yes that's me in the Ferrari), filmed, photographed, animated, keyed, created special effects, did the voiceover and recording and came up with the concept for the commercial. Our lead animator Gabe created additional special effects, animations, keying, color corection, sound effects, assisted in filming and did the final post-production. This was a lot of fun and it turned out great. The client was beyond happy and excited about it and watched it about 20 times in a row and was calling everybody into his office to see it. Check it out on our YouTube channel by clicking the link below.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

HOS Centerline Vessel Full Capabilities Animation Now on YouTube

The full capabilities animation of the Hornbeck Offshore Services "Centerline" vessel is now up on our YouTube channel so check it out!

We did all the 3D modeling, texturing, lighting, animation and post-production in-house and had fun doing it.

Friday, July 9, 2010

New Videos Uploaded to Our YouTube Channel

Check out our latest set of videos uploaded today on our YouTube channel.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Deep Down Design Studios Produces Animation for Dateline NBC and The Discovery Channel

Being the most experienced industrial 3D animation firm in the world has it's advantages and we were honored to be contacted by The Discovery Channel regarding animations of the Deepwater Horizon tragedy. They told us our work was the best they've seen on the entire Internet and wanted us for the job. We of course were happy to help and produced several animations that will air on Thursday June 10th in a special documentary.

Also, NBC got back in touch with us to do more work for them and we produced 2 animations of blowout scenarios (controlled and uncontrolled) for Dateline NBC that airs tonight Friday June 4th at 8:00 Central time.

Be sure to check both shows out!
Riser being cut with diamond line saw and shears for LMRP Cap

Uncontrolled blowout scenario 

These are our artistic rendition concepts of what happened and may not be an exact depiction of the actual event.

Friday, May 14, 2010

CETCO 3D Modeling and Images Project

CETCO came to us asking for some highly detailed realistic models and images of their Super Separator, 15K Line Heater, and 100 and 200 bbl Tanks so we happily obliged. Check the images out below (tanks are similar so I only included the 200 bbl image). They have a really unique logo. Check out and visit their about us section to see what their logo is.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Recovery - Containment Box Animation

Here is an animation we did of the lowering of the massive 4 story oil containment box that was an attempt to siphon off up to 85% of the leaking oil that resulted from when the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded and sank in the Gulf of Mexico. Frozen hydrates and ice crystals blocked the pipe leading to the surface so they aborted and moved it about 200 meters away. A new smaller dome is the next attempt. This is our artistic rendition concept of what happened and may not be an exact depiction of the actual event.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

NBC Chooses Deep Down Design Studios for ROV Model and Animation for Coverage of Deepwater Horizon Rig Tragedy

We would like to announce that Deep Down Design Studios was chosen by NBC to provide an animation and 3D model of an ROV for use in their coverage of the Deepwater Horizon rig tragedy on the national nightly news and the Today Show. We may also be providing further animations for this and other happenings around the world. We will receive full credit in each broadcast as well as wherever they post it on the Internet giving us nationwide and worldwide exposure.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Hornbeck MPSV370 Centerline Ship 3D Model

Hornbeck Offshore comissioned us to build an ultra detailed 3D model of their MPSV370 Centerline ship and to animate it in 10 different situations. This service vessel is unlike anything else in the industry so we are highlighting its amazing capabilities. Check out the renderings and let us know what you think.